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Our steadfast belief resides in the unparalleled transformative power of martial arts, an art form that holds the extraordinary capability to profoundly enhance the lives of individuals spanning the entire spectrum of age groups. Martial arts, a discipline we hold in high esteem, bestows upon its practitioners an array of invaluable benefits that extend far beyond the physical realm. These encompass, but are by no means limited to, a substantial and unparalleled augmentation of self-confidence, the meticulous cultivation and honing of resolute leadership abilities, and the unwavering promotion of holistic physical and mental well-being.
In the tapestry of life, martial arts threads a profound and intricate pattern. It weaves together not only the physical prowess necessary for self-defense but also the mental fortitude requisite for overcoming life’s myriad challenges. Beyond self-defense, it nurtures the seeds of self-belief, allowing individuals to flourish not only on the mat but also in the arena of life itself. As practitioners delve into the intricate techniques and philosophies of martial arts, they unearth a reservoir of inner strength and resilience that serves them not just in combat but as a guiding light throughout their life’s journey.
Martial arts teaches children and adults discipline which helps them create and attain goals while realising their dreams.
Our martial arts programme develops unbreakable confidence through structured empowering training.
We empower students to believe in their abilities and fosters character development, shaping responsible individuals who can become tomorrow's leaders and contribute positively to society.
Our martial arts programme enhances focus through our award winning life skills programme, challenging drills, and mindfulness training exercises.
Little Savages classes introduce children aged 3-7 to Savage Martial Arts. The award-winning life skills curriculum focuses on character development, such as focus, discipline and confidence.
Junior Savage’s classes are designed for children aged 8 to 12. These classes teach discipline, self-control, and respect, while also improving teamwork, leadership, and public speaking skills. Instructors focus on teaching children how to avoid dangerous situations and individuals such as bullies.
Savage Ladies Fitness Kickboxing classes for women. The classes provide a supportive and welcoming environment for all fitness levels. They help improve fitness, build self-confidence, and teach self-defence techniques. Attending these classes also allows for socialisation and making new friends.
Savage Adults offers a fun and social way to get in shape while learning self-defence skills. The classes focus on individual progress and building self-confidence to achieve your fitness goals and gain the ability to protect yourself in any situation.